I love mankind; it's people I can't stand.
Charles M. Schulz


maio 27, 2006



Telefonam-me , contactam-me no chat , acertam pormenores , encontros, desmarcam outros encontros, para hoje, e para a semana que está a começar.
Despedem-se , chegada a hora, a noite quase a cair. Vejo-os ir.
Uma saída á noite , compromissos de outra ordem, ou simplesmente porque é fim de semana que raio ! Mas têm de ir.

Pronto, Gustavo, para mais um serão de Sábado solitário?

Vamos a ele ...



In-defense-of Geeks ?

...Porque as vantagens de aturar um geek sempre superam as de não tê-lo por perto !

1) He can fix your computer. There I said it. Do you really need another reason? He is not a bum. He has useful skills that can make your life (at least the part that is spent on the computer, and let’s face it, that is where we all spent most of our time any way) run smooth. Not enough? OK, here’s number two.

2) He has friends who can fix your computer. So now you are in a relationship and he knows he’s got you and doesn’t feel like he needs to jump every time you call. All of a sudden he is too busy for you? He has work to do and can’t get there fast enough? No problem. Call one of his buddies. They’d love to help out. Geeks are the most helpful friends you’d ever make.

3) Not a computer person? OK, here’s the killer. He can also hook up the TV, connect the DVD player and Tivo your favorite programs. He’ll also hook you up with the sweetest sound system you’ve ever heard. It would be like angels singing to you.

4) Looking further for another reason? Yes, you guessed it. He has friends who can hook up the TV, connect the DVD player, etc. etc. etc.

5) And it gets better: Not only can he fix your computer and DVD player, he can do the same for your friends. All of a sudden your social life will pick up. Your phone won’t stop ringing. Dinner invitations come up every night of the week. You’d be as popular as if you owned a truck and you don’t even have to help anyone move.

6) Sigh…you really want more reasons to date a geek? Fine. Here’s one for your vanity. He’ll make you shine every where you go. No matter how clumsy your sense of style, no matter how awkward your social skills, you’ll be a fashion star and a classy diplomat next to your geek. He’ll make you look so good; you’ll fall in love with yourself.

7) So you are not into computers, TVs and DVDs and you don’t care about being popular and fashionable. What about the newest techie gadgets? Do you like cell. phones, digital cameras, camcorders, or MP3 players? Forget bling bling. Let me tell you girlfriend, you are going to be a proud owner of the latest gadgets if you ever decide to date a geek. Your cell. phone will not only have your best friends’ number on speed dial, it would also be able to take pictures, make movies and even do your nails. Your sleek, sexy, and very small digital camera will take pictures that will put Ansel Adams to shame and your brand new, top of the line MP3 player will make all the heads turn your way.

8) Not satisfied yet? Ok, I hear you. You are saying gadgets and toys are fun, but they won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night, if you know what I mean. Well, I didn’t think I would have to tell you this, but I guess you are going to make me spell it out for you. Here’s the deal, sweet and simple: Your geek will worship the ground you walk on. He’ll be so happy that a pretty girl like you paid attention to him that he’ll be at your feet. He’ll adore you as if you were his queen. In his arms, you’ll feel like you are at the top of the world. Believe me, I know what I am talking about.

9) I know I got your attention now, but wait it gets better. He won’t cheat on you either. You don’t believe me? Here’s a test. Place the sexiest woman on earth in a room with a geek, say Angelina Jolie in a Victoria Secret sexy lingerie. At the other corner of the room, place the latest model of some computer or other. I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that your geek would want to play with that computer much more than getting to know Angelina Jolie. In fact, he might not even see her if the computer is on and connected to the Internet. C’mmon he has to check his email, surf the web and blog about the fact that he is in a room with Angelina Jolie ;)

10) Ok, reason number ten. Did I mention he can fix your computer???

Quem quer casar com o carochinho ?


maio 22, 2006


Quando, um dia diante do vosso prato , desprevenidos se deparam com uma ementa nova, do tipo uma parte de um animal que ainda vos seja desconhecida, tenham calma.
Não desarmem , não entrem em pânico, e sentem-se.
Assumimos que sobre esse prato e pratos anteriores e confecção têm mantido uma confortável situação de total abstração. Até esse fatal dia...
Essa parte não é muito diferente do que possamos estar habituados, mas o conceito claro , mexe com a cabeça como tudo! A refeição de estreia até foi bem, tentando desligar aquele interruptor que todos temos , mais ou menos sensível , e que num instante põe em movimento mecanismos regurgitativos. O que não aconteceu comigo.

Começo até, e esta é a melhor parte , não se vão já embora, começo a empatizar com o dito animal, imaginando-o sei lá magoado (? , no mínimo! ), com toda esta situação.

Nota de Sobrevivência:
Se dessa ementa ainda sobrar para outra refeição, usar a seguinte estratégia: deitar uma boa dose de molho de malagueta por cima das ditas partes!


maio 21, 2006


Coincidências Hertzianas

Pensava que havia perdido aquelas tardes de verão, na Antena3 , de descoberta ou recordação sonora com a voz de Nuno Galopim mas reencontrei-o . Apanhei-o de novo na RADAR . No meu radar obsessivo, sempre á escuta das hertzianas.

Apanhe , quem possa , estas sessões de Discos Voadores ao fim de Domingo. Em Lisboa nos 97.8 , ou então (e foi aqui que se deu a minha redescoberta , na impossibilidade de ouvir as hertzianas puras ) nos canais de rádio do pacote digital da TV CABO por satélite.

A Alternativa sobrevive no panorama radiofónico no Portugal contemporâneo mergulhado na calda dormente de uma geração perdida p'ros Morangos com Açúcar ?


maio 15, 2006


- Voltou aquela sensação de que elouquecerás se não me tocares?

- Sim voltou.

Kim Basinger, segurando o furtivo Alec Baldwin, que entra na sua cama.
Filme : Esta Loira Mata-me.

Há perguntas e alturas que não se fazem a um homem.
Sob pena, de este dar uma resposta embriagada .